Our FCA 2014 Adventure & Congrats to SAE

May 29, 2014 at 12:00 AM

We had a barrel of fun (and some monkeys, too) at this year's Fraternity Communications Association Annual Conference in Atlanta! Despite a few tricky flight delays, we were able to make it to the event just in time to give a workshop on magazine rebranding, where we challenged small groups to engage in brainstorming activities and visioning exercises. Each group had to work together to take the current version of a known magazine through the beginning stages of a redesign. It was a blast! Check out our photos from the event in the gallery!

If you would like to see the slideshow that accompanied our presentation, please follow this link: Slideshare

We would also like to give a very special congratulations to our clients, partners and friends at Sigma Alpha Epsilon for winning big at this year's FCA awards! SAE scooped up six 1st place awards and three 3rd place honors in the categories of design, story packaging, writing, printed materials and web, including the William C. Levere Award for Total Communication. They also won a Peers' Choice Award for outstanding cover design.


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