Designing for a New Urban Development

September 25, 2015 at 12:00 AM

NeigerDesign Contributes to an Exciting Public Project with a Poster Series

Have you heard? This weekend you can enjoy a city first a new event is happening on The 606 trail and it sounds like a lot of fun. We're somewhat biased on this, however, because we kind of love The 606. The 606 is a new park-meets-pathway urban development that replaced the disused elevated train tracks of the Bloomingdale Line with green space and a recreational path for cyclists and pedestrians alike.


With Chicagoland abuzz about the opening of The 606 trail this past spring, many of the team at NeigerDesign were eager to take some time to explore the development. Carol provided us with the opportunity in the form of a Summer Fun Day surprise not only would the whole team be able to enjoy the trail together, but we would also be designing a poster series for the seasonal events to be hosted on The 606.


Carol gave us a handful of creative prompts and sketchbooks and we got straight to work on capturing the feel and experience of the trail for creating poster concepts. A thoroughly enjoyable research session was had by all, thanks in no small part to the gorgeous weather and the general ambiance of the trail, which did not disappoint. Everyone at NeigerDesign developed original concepts for the poster series based on the notes and sketches we took on the trail, and the concepts were presented to The Trust for Public Land, the non-profit organization that helped bring together the city and civic organizations involved in the budding trail project to move it forward.



The first event, the People's Promenade: A Walk With Words, is the first end-to-end community walk of the entire 2.7 mile trail, with plenty of activities and things to see and do along the way and throughout the day. We're pretty pleased with the poster concept and final design that The Trust for Public Land selected for the event, and hope that the day is a great success!

Learn more about the event here.



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