Be Our Valentine

February 14, 2017 at 4:18 PM

Happy Valentine's Day from NeigerDesign. Have a Happier Valentine's Day with This Cootie Catcher.

Do you remember the "cootie catchers" of old? The origami paper fortune tellers that all school children knew how to fold and play are a nostalgic throwback for many, and as a fun Valentine's Day gift to you we made a special fortune teller for you to print out and play today.

Fun fact: when this style of paper fortune tellers was first introduced to the English-speaking world in an origami book (back in 1928!) it was called a "salt cellar."

To download: click on the image below to download the PDF. Print the page and cut along the dashed line (it needs to be square before folding) and follow the instructions on how to fold the fortune teller.




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