A Fork in the Road

February 25, 2015 at 4:15 PM

Our improv group had our last Level E Improv class last night. It was bittersweet.

On one hand, after being an ensemble for almost a year, we will not be moving forward together, since there is no Level F class. Each of us will be pursuing related interests and staying in touch, socializing and collaborating through our Facebook group page. We will still do occasional improv jams together, nothing formal. I am interested in taking a voice-over class next.

On the other hand, we have one last opportunity to get together onstage for an hour and pull out all the stops.

If you would like to see our show, we will be performing Tuesday, March 3 at 8pm at the Second City ETC Theater at 1608 North Wells. Tickets are $8 and are sold the day of performance only. Get there early, they sometimes sell out. Pipers Alley parking (enter on North Avenue) is about $20.

True to the improv format, we will be making it all up as we go. It's like life!

Written by

Barry Lohman


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